NOAA Fisheries announces new catch levels, management measures for south Atlantic red porgy
In Fisheries Bulletin 22-077, NOAA Fisheries announces new catch levels and management measures for south Atlantic red porgy.
Regulations will be effective Jan. 19, 2023.
Amendment 50 modifies management of South Atlantic red porgy in response to the latest population assessment, which indicates the stock has experienced over harvest and needs to rebuild to target levels.
The commercial sector annual catch limit is split into two seasons with 30% going to Season 1, January through April and 70% to Season 2, May through December.
Commercial quotas in 2023, Season 1 will be 12,017 pounds, gutted weight and Season 2 will be 28,039 pounds gutted weight.
The commercial trip limits for red porgy will be 15 fish for both Seasons 1 and 2.
Recreational sector catch levels for 2023 will be 37,829 pounds, gutted weight.
The recreational bag limit for red porgy will be 1 fish per person per day, or 1 fish per person per trip, whichever is more restrictive.
The final rule will establish a recreational fishing season for red porgy where harvest will be allowed May 1 through June 30.