New building unveiled for Cape Hatteras Electric Cooperative
Cape Hatteras Electric Cooperative unveiled its new operations building to members and people came to visit on Oct. 29, 2024.
The two-story building has five bays for bucket and line trucks. For the open house, the bays served as a place to sit and enjoy Crazy Johnny’s Barbecue and check out the gift bags with chalk and bubble wands along with a water bottle.
Attached to the bays are two roomy stories of space. On the first floor, a dozen linemen and supervisors have assigned desks with computers and offices.
Upstairs or by elevator is a huge room and a really big kitchen. For the first time in a long time, the entire staff of Hatteras Island’s electric provider will be able to attend an all-staff meeting at the same time. The room and kitchen are also designed to feed lots of workers who come to help Cape Hatteras Electric Cooperative recover from storm damage.
Showers for men and women are available.
Throughout the rooms, winning photos from the cooperative’s contest grace the walls.
Outside, a bucket truck ride was offered to all ages. The line was long for the ride that touched the sky. The new building is elevated six feet and cost $2.5 million.