Letter to the Editor: Reader encourages voting with environment in mind
Dear Editor,
I love Eastern North Carolina. That is why this election season it is critical we vote for leaders and ballot measures that support decisive action on climate change. The latest IPCC report calls for a strengthened response to climate change to reduce the impacts it is already having on our coastal communities, as well as those of us farther inland. I am particularly concerned about the frequency of larger and stronger hurricanes as our oceans get warmer and how these hurricanes could impact my family’s health and welfare, our community’s security, and our country’s stability.
The future of our climate is always on the ballot, including in the midterms. Midterm elections often include Congressional races and city and state ballot measures that have the potential to shift the trajectory of climate action locally, regionally, and nationally.
These 2022 midterms can make or break our future to live in a safe and healthy world. Whether you are a concerned citizen or an organizational leader, you can help others exercise their right to vote. Every vote counts, including and most importantly, your own. So much energy is dedicated to getting out the vote for general elections; however, midterm elections are just as important! Please vote this midterm and help others do the same.
We can use our voice and our vote this election season to protect our climate. Join me by going to the North Carolina State Board of Elections at ncsbe.gov to confirm your voter registration and print your sample ballot to see who and what will be on your ballot, so you can educate yourself on the candidates and the issues and make an informed vote. Early voting began on October 20th and goes through November 5th. You can find your early voting location at ncsbe.gov/voting/vote-early-person. You can also request an absentee ballot (no later than November 1st) if you’re unable to vote in person, or find your regular polling location if you are able to vote in person on November 8th at ncsbe.gov.
LaDonna May-Barnes, MPH
Climate for Health Ambassador
ecoAmerica (ecoamerica.org)
Ahoskie, North Carolina