Manteo High School Booster Club seeking street name change

Published 9:46 pm Monday, April 29, 2019

The Manteo High School Redskins Athletic Booster Club is one step closer to a local name change.

During the club’s April 22 regular meeting, Nelson Pendleton advised the other members present that it appears everything is in order to rename a section of Harriot Street.

According to Pendleton, at the beginning of the school year several ideas were discussed that might give Manteo High School a greater presence in the community. One of the first steps was to paint large “M” letters on Harriot Street from US 64 into the school parking lot.

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Pendleton said another idea was to change the easternmost section of Harriot Street between US 64 and Wingina Avenue to Redskin Way.

“I’ve run it through a thousand different people and everybody is good with it,” said Pendleton. “Everybody has approved it. The town, the county, state, DOT, Public Health, GIS, the Sheriff, 911 and everyone is for it. They think it’s a great thing to do.”

Pendleton went on to say that with no street addresses on that section of road, nobody is affected by the change.

He added that the next step is to ask the town to put up a new street sign with the new name.

“If the town will order it, we will pay for it,” said Pendleton. “Or if they will give me the name of the vendor that makes the signs and I’ll order it. We want it to match the other street signs.”

Other business for the night included scheduling volunteers to run the concession stand during the April 30 track and field conference championship meet at Manteo High School, discussion on the selection process of male and female scholarship recipients, adding a new baseball field batting cage and recruiting sponsors for outdoor signs to display on the school’s baseball field and the athletic field entrance sign.

“We have $300 Booster Club memberships available for any business or family,” explained Monica McOwen. “That includes a small sign at the entrance gate and two free passes to home athletic events.”

McOwen said the money goes directly to the Manteo High School Redskins Athletic Booster Club. The Booster Club is a non-profit organization providing support to the school and its 21 athletic teams. The club relies heavily on the fundraising efforts of parent volunteers to enable the club to help provide non-budgeted athletic items.

Regular Booster Club membership is $10. For more information, contact the MHS Booster club by email at, visit the club website at or view its Facebook page at