Large mesh gill net exempt areas now open

Published 6:10 am Wednesday, February 20, 2019

North Carolina Marine Fisheries Proclamation M-3-2019 implements gear exemptions for portions of the Internal Coastal Waters south of Management Unit A to allow fishermen to set gill nets for the shad fishery.  It also opens the remaining portions of Management Unit B to the use of gill nets with a stretched mesh length of 4 inches through 6 ½ inches, with exceptions, in accordance with the Sea Turtle Incidental Take Permit.

The proclamation was effective 12:01 a.m., Friday, Feb. 15.

“This action is being taken to allow directed gill net fisheries for shad while minimizing interactions with threatened and/or endangered species,” states the proclamation.

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Areas open to gill nets with a stretched mesh length of 4 inches through 6½ inches:

Management Unit B: Internal Coastal Waters from the north end of Pea Island (old Coast Guard Station) west to Point Peter Canal, on south end from the Club House on Core Banks west to Davis.

Management Unit C: Pamlico, Pungo, Bay and Neuse river drainages and Internal Coastal Waters of Pamlico Sound west of Management Unit B.

Management Unit D2 included Newport River (and Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway and Harlowe Creek up to NC Hwy. 101 Bridge) and Bogue Sound.

Management Unit E: all Internal Coastal Waters south and west of Highway 58 Bridge to the North Carolina/South Carolina state line, but not in the Cape Fear River and its tributaries north of the Railroad Bridge and Northeast Cape Fear River and its tributaries north of Interstate I40 bridge.

Proclamation sections also cover gill net construction and use requirements, gill net setting time requirements, sea turtle and Atlantic Sturgeon Interaction Reporting.



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