Judy Ann Williams

Published 11:03 am Saturday, January 26, 2019

Judy Ann Williams, Daughter of the American Revolution, passed away on January 1, 2019.

There will be a celebration of Judy’s Life at the Roanoke Island Dog Park on February 2, at 2 p.m. for friends and members of the Park who would like to honor her memory and contributions to Roanoke Island; also, donations in her memory can be made to the OBX Coastal Humane Society, St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, Ocean Conservancy (oceanconservancy.org).

She was an accomplished craftswoman; a loyal friend; wonderful neighbor; and rescue dogs’ Mom.  Most significantly, for many on Roanoke Island, she led the initiative to officially establish the Roanoke Island Dog Park. For several years, Judy, diligently and tirelessly, worked with the Dare County Board of Commissioners to transition the informal “dog park” from an open area where a few people gathered to exercise their dogs to the fenced, secure, well-appointed park we have today.  It is a wonderful dog park, and also a great place to meet new friends. The park is a great success for both dogs and “their humans.” Roanoke Island residents have the park because of Judy Williams’ leadership. A request has been submitted by Friends of Roanoke Island Dog Park to modify the name of the park to include Judy’s name in some way. Judy knew every dog and person who visited the park.

Born 1953 in Lewisville, NC, Judy’s family moved several years later to Doylestown, Pa., where she graduated from high school. She received a degree in business administration from Mercer College. After graduation, Judy worked for Xerox; then as the business manager for TKR cable in New Jersey; then Time Warner Cable in Winston Salem, NC. Through those years, she led fundraisers for the Lions Club, raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for autistic children and the blind. In 2000, Judy moved to Roanoke Island. She is survived by her life’s partner, Tom Summers, and sister, Jackie, niece, Raquel, and many cousins in Pennsylvania.  “Digger” and “Holly” will miss her as well, and every other dog visiting the Roanoke Island Dog Park. She was buried in Doylestown, Pa.

Judy’s family history is a great American story: her great great great grandfather and brother came to this country in 1710 with a land grant from the King of England to establish in western Pa. where they farmed. Members of her family fought in the Revolutionary War and on both sides of the Civil War . . . and continued that service through today’s conflicts. She had a great aunt, Mabel, who used to mix Vaseline and coal dust to accent her eyes, which her brother started peddling (selling); the product became the company Maybelline, Inc. Judy was a genuine Patriot, with one of the older USA family histories.  Those who knew her respected her bright and capable mind, enjoyed her loyalty as a friend, benefitted from her kindness as a neighbor, and all enjoyed her humor and comradery.  She is missed greatly by all who knew her.