NC Cooperative Extension programs scheduled

Published 8:57 am Monday, January 20, 2020

NC Cooperative Extension upcoming programs include a farm finance and law meeting on Thursday, January 16 from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Currituck County Extension Center. Dr. Roderick Rejesus, NCSU Extension agriculture and resource specialist, and Andrew Branan, NCSU Extension assistant professor of agriculture and environmental law, will present on topics related to farm finance and law.

A soybean production meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 22 from 8 to 10 a.m. Two specialists from NCSU will be presenting on maximizing soybean production at the Currituck County Extension Center. Two hours of N, O, D, and X pesticide credits will be offered. Pre-registration for the soybean production meetings is required for meal counts.

A Camden/Currituck corn production meeting is planned for Friday, January 31 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Camden United Methodist Church. Dr. Ron Heiniger, NCSU Extension corn specialist, and Dr. Dominic Reisig, NCSU entomology specialist, will present on maximizing corn production. Two hours of N, O, D, and X pesticide credits will be offered. Pre-registration for the corn production meetings is required for meal counts.

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On February 4, there will be an auxin herbicides – best management practices training at the Currituck County Extension Center from 3-5 p.m. led by Dr. Wes Everman from N.C. State University. Anyone planning to apply dicamba (Engenia, FeXapan, or Xtendimax) over the top to dicamba-tolerant cotton or soybeans must be a certified applicator and attend a mandatory auxin herbicides – best management practices training.

N.C. Cooperative Extension Currituck Center is partnering with Henderson and Associates Inc. and Albermarle Regional Health Services to offer a respirator clinic. The clinic will be composed of health examinations and respirator fit testing. The clinic will be held on Monday, February 10 from 10 am. to noon at Henderson and Associates Inc, 330 Camden Causeway in Elizabeth City.

On Tuesday, February 11 from 1 to 3 p.m., Adam Formella, agriculture Extension agent – Currituck County, and Clay Hudson, NCDA and CS, will be offering a private pesticide applicator recertification two hour “V” training at the Currituck County Extension Center. This course offers two hours of the required “V” credits.

This year’s Small Grains Field Day will be held in Gates County on Wednesday, February 19 from 9 am. to noon at Lynn Hobbs Farms, 208 Spivey Rd. in Hobbsville. NCSU professors Dr. Ron Heiniger, Dr. Christina Cowger, Dr. Angela Post,and Dr. Wes Everman will present topics ranging from fertility to disease and weed control. Two hours of N, O, D, and X pesticide credit will be offered. Pre-registration is being asked to secure an accurate meal count.

You can register online at or by contacting the NC Cooperative Extension office at 252-232-2261.



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