Duck golf cart guidelines updated

Published 11:58 am Wednesday, September 11, 2024

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The September 4 Duck Town Council meeting saw guidelines for golf cart use updated, a cell tower permit approved and four town employees recognized.

As part of Duck’s Employee Recognition Program, director of community development Joe Heard was recognized for completing 10 years with Duck and Fire Captain Jeff Delmonte for 15 years of service.

Also with Duck Fire, Chief Donna Black recognized the promotion of Brandon Molenda and Greg Fiala to the rank of master firefighter.

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After holding a quasi-judicial public hearing, council approved a special use permit request by Verizon Wireless to establish a small wireless facility with a 39 foot antenna on a 5 by 5 foot private property area at 100 Dianne Street.

According to town staff, Verizon already has a lease with Northpoint Association to use the northwest corner of the wooded area adjacent to two neighborhood community tennis courts.

It was also noted that the antenna would be under the 45 foot height limit and that a location about 50 feet away within the public right-of-way could be used without requiring town approval. The wooded location reduces any visual impact.

Gary Bryant, legal counsel representing Verizon, advised that today’s expanded cell phone use has increased the need for additional towers. He added that the one planned is about as small as they get and would not generate a lot of noise.

Under old business, council gave unanimous approval to adopt a Town of Duck Emergency Operations Plan and Continuity of Operations Plan.

Shifting gears a bit, council then approved some minor changes to Town Code section 70.05 GOLF CARTS, and added two new sections.

On April 3, council approved golf cart and e-bike guidelines but, as pointed out by Police Chief Jeff Ackerman, since then there have been citizen concerns over the cost to retrofit golf carts to meet the mandated safety equipment standards. With an eye on safety, two new sections were added:

(10) No golf cart may be operated on a public street without being equipped with a rear view mirror, an operable parking brake, seat belts for all seating positions on the golf cart, and a windshield, to be effective April 1, 2025.

(11) No golf cart may be operated on a public street between sunset and sunrise without being equipped with at least one reflector per side, two operating front headlights, two operating taillights, and operating brake lights, visible from a distance of at least 250 feet, to be effective April 1, 2025.

At the close of business, council adjourned until the 1 p.m. meeting on Wednesday, October 2.