Dare grant applications, budget amendments enacted

Published 9:09 am Sunday, September 1, 2024

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In the early August agenda, the Dare County Board of Commissioners adopted an extensive consent agenda.

Included were 10 budget amendments, a couple of agreements, and grant and program applications, all of which were approved unanimously.

The commissioners approved:

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– Great Trails State Program, a non-recurring grant for the installation of new trails and the maintenance of existing trails. The proposed project is the maintenance of the Marshall & Gussie Collins Walkway. This project is on the Capital Improvement Plan for FY2028. A maximum of $500,000 may be awarded by the grantor with a 2 (state) to 1 (county) match. The grantor requires site control by the applying entity, therefore project will include the maintenance, repair and replacement of the trail on Dare County property adjacent to the Tillett Community Center, Administration Building and Justice Center.

– Contract for three years with Spectrum Enterprise to install cable TV service for the Dare County Water Department. Recurring monthly cost is $150. One time installation/equipment charge is $9,305.

– Contract with Northwoods Consulting Partners Software as a Service Agreement. Dare County’s Social Services Division requested three-year agreement renewal. Annual subscription renewal starts at year one with $44,000, year two with $45,320 and year three with $46,680. “Subscription for up to 25 Monthly Active users for Traverse EDMS, Forms & Case Discovery,” states the contract.

– Budget amendment: Dare County Soil & Water Conservation District has been awarded a reimbursable grant for $219,490 as part of the 2024 round of funding for the Streamflow Rehabilitation Assistance Program. This is divided into $174,490 for Stream Debris Removal and $45,000 for the replacement of three culverts in East Lake along Hwy 64. Stream segments are Dough’s Creek (Manteo), Jovers Ln. (Wanchese), Hwy 64 (East Lake), Jennette’s Sedge (Buxton), and Woodall Way (Hatteras). As a supplement to this, the district has also received a $13,500 grant with zero match from the Albemarle Commission. Total budget amendment is $232,990.

– Budget amendment: Register Deeds awarded $2,000 grant for preservation of historical records and files from the Office of State Budget and Management Register of Deeds Grant Program.

– Budget amendment: Dredge Loan Forgiveness. The fiscal year 2025 budget for dredge loan forgiveness is $3,000,000. The actual dredge loan forgiveness for fiscal year 2024 was $4,131,348. The budget amendment increased the current year budget to $4,500,000 by transferring $1,500,000 from fund balance.

– Budget amendment: Resilient Coastal Communities Program awarded Dare County $234,000 to perform in Salvo a drainage study, surveys, engineering and design to address stormwater drainage issues and soundside flooding. No local match required. This project was identified by community survey responses and the engineer during completion of the Resilient Coastal Communities Program Phase 1 and 2.

­– Budget amendment: Resilient Coastal Communities Program awarded Dare County $160,000 to construct stormwater control measures alongside NC 12 in Hatteras Village to address flooding. No local match required. This project was identified by community survey responses and the engineer during completion of the Resilient Coastal Communities Program Phase 1 and 2.

– Budget amendment: Dare County received $7,532,600 via the Coastal Storm Damage Mitigation Fund for the 4-Towns Beach Nourishment Project. This grant requires equal cost share which was drawn from the 4-Towns Beach Nourishment Fund Balance for a total budget amendment of $15,065,200.

– Budget amendment: Dare County received $250,000 via the Coastal Storm Damage Mitigation Fund to identify borrow areas for future beach nourishment projects near Buxton. This grant requires equal cost share, which was drawn from the Southern Hatteras Sand Search Fund Balance.

– Application and budget amendment: Rodanthe Emergency Ferry Channel Grant Application. NCDOT Ferry Division stated in July that its ferries could not access the emergency ferry docks in Rodanthe. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is investigating methods to have this federal channel dredged before peak hurricane season via Corps dredge or Corps contracted pipeline dredge, but may be unable to dredge until a post-storm emergency declaration or during winter months.

Dare County is seeking to obtain environmental permits to dredge the channel to provide access to the ferries. About 600 cubic yards of material need to be dredged from a 700-foot section of the channel. To receive 75% cost share from the state, a Shallow Draft Navigation Grant Application and Resolution must be submitted. The budget amendment calls for a $105,000 grant and $35,000 from fund balance.