Dare BOE revises school calendars to make up for Dorian

Published 4:51 am Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Dare County Board of Education has made revisions to the calendars of schools north of Oregon Inlet and has made a new calendar for Cape Hatteras Schools.

For the school north of Oregon Inlet, the board has identified four missed days in September due to Hurricane Dorian. To make up for the missed school time, the board has added four optional teacher workdays at the end of the school year. These added dates are June 15,16, 17 and 18.

“The rest of the calendar is intact including parent/teacher conference day on Nov. 1. We are still significantly above our instructional hour requirement by the state and thus we will not make up any further days at this point in time. That is subject to change based on what the winter season brings us,” said a release from DCS.

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At Cape Hatteras Elementary School, the board has identified five missed days. Eight days were missed at Cape Hatteras Secondary School. Due to coastal flooding, Oct. 11 was also identified as a missed day for both Hatteras schools. The board has added three full school days to make up for the lost time: Nov. 1, Jan. 24 and Jan. 27. Additionally, six optional teach workdays have been added to the end of the school year for CHES and nine have been added for CHSS.