New teacher contract terms are under discussion
Published 2:54 pm Wednesday, February 14, 2018
A new contract process is under discussion for Dare County teachers.
On the morning of Feb. 13, six members of the Dare County Board of Education held a workshop to look at contract options.
In 2013, the North Carolina General Assembly eliminated tenure or career status for teachers in the state. Teachers with tenure as of Aug. 1, 2013 retain that status until retirement or resignation.
Between 2014 and June 30, 2018, one year contracts have been issued to teachers without tenure in school systems across North Carolina.
Beginning July 1, 2018, one, two or four year contracts can be offered by a school district to a teacher.
Dare superintendent John Farrelly reviewed six options.
Board received a recommendation from the superintendent, discussed that recommendation and authorized Farrelly to draft a policy. He is to consult with the board’s attorney and then review that draft policy with the policy committee.
The policy will be submitted at the board’s March meeting. At that time, the board will be asked to adopt the proposal on its first reading.
The draft policy melds together two options proposed by the North Carolina School Boards Association.
Probation for new teachers lasts three years. At the end of that period, a teacher will be offered a two-year contract as long as that teacher meets the following criteria: received a rating of at least “proficient” on the two most recent annual evaluations; is not monitored or on directed growth plan, mandatory improvement plan or correction action plan; has not received during the current or previous school year, a demotion, a suspension without pay, or a written reprimand, warning or other disciplinary action documented in the personnel file; and no other disqualifying information is in the personnel file.
After a teacher has completed five years in the employment of Dare County School, a four-year contract may be offered, if the teacher meets the above criteria and receives an “accomplished” rating on a majority of standards on the two most recent summative evaluations and meets one of the following: be licensed in a high demand area such as math, science, exceptional children; be licensed in multiple areas; be National Board certified; have earned a master’s degree or higher in relevant content area; is serving in an advanced leadership capacity; and is performing extra-duty services.
Along with drafting the policy, the superintendent will work with administrators and faculty to craft the regulations that carry out the policy.